The sustainable and digital Auto Enrolment pension

Better for individuals, better for employers, better for the environment.
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What makes Collegia better?

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Take control of your pensions

One account for all your employed and self-employed needs

Professional investing

Save the way you want, with investment options that automatically adjust risk

Fair charges for all

No set up fees, either 0.40% or 0.46% annually, £25 annual Flat Fee

Socially Responsible Investing

Help save the planet with investments that are environmentally responsible

25% Government top up

The government adds 25% or more to everything you invest

One App for all your pensions

See your pension funds in one place and take control
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A pension for life

The Collegia pension is the only combined Auto Enrolment and Personal Pension plan meaning it can stay with you for life. Multiple employers can contribute simultaneously, you can use it for self-employment, to top up your pension and include old pensions.
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Retirement planning first

More than a pension, the Collegia Pension App is a personal retirement planner. It helps you invest, and shows how your choices can affect your projected retirement lifestyle. What’s more, we automatically change your investments as retirement approaches.

For your and the planet’s future

All your Collegia Pension investments are designed to help save the planet with the highest Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) considerations. We automatically exclude controversial industries - such as tobacco, weapons, coal, alcohol and UN Global Compact violators.
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What has already been in the media

Find out what the market and the media are saying about Collegia
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‘UK-first’ hybrid AE/personal pension app-based plan launched

Called Collegia Pension, the product is designed to give choice to employees and the self-employed over where they invest.

Collegia opens doors as AE and personal pension

FCA-regulated scheme is portable, ESG-focused and aims for simplified planning

Ready for the future of Auto Enrolment?

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