Our commitment to sustainability
At Collegia we believe that sustainability is not only about the investments that our members can select. We are also committed to being a sustainable company, which means having sustainability business practices in place. we take a far more holistic view of finance in its widest context than our peers,with world class sustainability business practices in place designed for the benefit of our staff, our customers, and our wider world.

Our people
We know how important job satisfaction is both for our employee wellbeing and the benefits that it delivers to our clients.
Our employees are the soul of Collegia. If they thrive, the company thrives. We have built a culture for them that enables them to achieve their full potential, in which their own values are shared with those of the company.
The mental and physical wellbeing of our employees is also critical. We actively promote recognised practices that we embed within the culture of the business. We also provide opportunities for professional and personal growth as well as monitoring their wellbeing, workload and overall satisfaction via a weekly survey and monthly one-to-one meetings. We do not accept any kind of discrimination.Equality, respect, and inclusion are guaranteed for all our employees.
We have clear policies and procedure regarding managing all employment issues and offer the likes of market leading maternity and paternity leave.

Our environment
We believe the role of a pension provider is to ensure a proper income at retirement, while realising that future financial stability would count for little in a depleted global environment.That’s why sustainability is our biggest stakeholder. We play our part in ensuring our customers and future generations can enjoy not only financial but equally importantly, environmental well-being.
As a business we maximise the use of public transport for business purposes and we monitor and document energy and water usage on a yearly basis. We strive to continually reduce the environmental impact of our business operations. The funds in which we invest are all sustainable. They exclude or minimise investments to controversial industries and actively finance companies that are aligned with the United Nations’2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
We want a future where people can have adequate financial and environmental resources with which to live a comfortable retirement.

Our customers
The Collegia clients are at the core of what we do.
Everything we do is done with them front and centre. We have open communications with them, and we treat them with respect and openness in any single instance. We also make sure that every single touch point with them is fair and that the information presented is accurate, not misleading, and digestible by anyone.
At Collegia our role is also to provide a “translation” service from the technical world of pensions into something that can be understood by everyone, with or without financial knowledge.